Dark wooden trellises are positioned against the walls of the guild, and lush ivy has wrapped around the structures so completely as to nearly obscure the building. A simple dirt path leads northward into a small valley where a ring of willows lies, and soft white flowers line its edges. Blades of long grass sway slowly with every gentle breeze that passes through the area, and the quiet sounds of nature abound in this peaceful garden.
Obvious paths: north
Map: rr-rivers_rest-1618766733.png
Exit Connecting Room
go gate 10856
north 10989
;e true 30711
go door 17722
go shop 33830
Full Room Info
{ "climate": "temperate", "description": [ "Dark wooden trellises are positioned against the walls of the guild, and lush ivy has wrapped around the structures so completely as to nearly obscure the building. A simple dirt path leads northward into a small valley where a ring of willows lies, and soft white flowers line its edges. Blades of long grass sway slowly with every gentle breeze that passes through the area, and the quiet sounds of nature abound in this peaceful garden." ], "id": 10988, "image": "rr-rivers_rest-1618766733.png", "image_coords": [ 2053, 1086, 2089, 1122 ], "location": "River's Rest", "paths": [ "Obvious paths: north" ], "tags": [ "clericguild", "urchin-access", "urchin guide clericguild", "acantha leaf", "ambrominas leaf", "sovyn clove", "small flower", "small rose", "small daisy", "angelica root", "trollfear mushroom", "soft white mushroom", "withered black mushroom", "daggerstalk mushroom", "flathead mushroom", "genkew mushroom", "blue trafel mushroom", "small violet", "wintergreen leaf", "bright red teaberry", "wild strawberry", "stalk of chicory", "wild grapes", "sprig of alyssum", "heath aster", "golden buttercup", "red clover blossom", "pink clover blossom", "white clover blossom", "purple clover blossom", "yellow clover blossom", "stalk of goldenrod", "sprig of larkspur", "yellow primrose", "small wild rose", "Imaera's Lace", "handful of oats", "ear of corn", "purple eggplant", "round white eggplant", "rose-marrow root", "wild chokecherry", "motherwort", "small dandelion", "flaming violet", "sprig of thanot", "flaeshorn berry", "huckleberries", "raspberries", "wiregrass", "murkweed", "mistweed", "white lily", "fire lily", "pepperthorn root", "luckbloom blossom", "murdroot", "wavepetal blossom", "ironfern root", "brostheras grass", "dill", "tobacco leaves", "zucchini", "fresh broccoli", "yellow squash", "purple cabbage", "green cabbage", "garlic", "fresh lemongrass", "stalk of celery", "sweet potato", "red onion", "sweet onion", "purple-tipped artichoke", "bright red beet", "meta:forage-sensed", "meta:forage-sensed:night:2023-01", "cleric guild", "sunburst blossom", "barley grass", "wheat grass", "thin hemp", "viburnum twig", "curly garlic scapes", "horseradish root", "birch bark", "ghost pepper", "hot pepper", "sprig of tarragon", "curly leaf parsley", "flat-leaf parsley", "bright orange", "meta:forage-sensed:day:2024-05" ], "terrain": "grassland", "timeto": { "10856": 0.2, "10989": 0.2, "17722": ";e ((!defined?(Stats.prof) or Stats.prof == 'Cleric') ? 0.2 : nil);", "30711": ";e Map[7].timeto['30714'].call;", "33830": 0.2 }, "title": [ "[Cleric Guild, Courtyard]" ], "uid": [ 673012 ], "wayto": { "10856": "go gate", "10989": "north", "17722": "go door", "30711": ";e true", "33830": "go shop" } }

MapDB last updated: 2024-12-28 20:59:03 +0000