Blackened and charred hulks, the remains of the counters display cases that filled the room, are all that's left of some merchant's fine wares. Barrels of salt have burned and melted into piles of sooty slag. Metal tools and implements have melted together into heaps of useless scrap. The destruction here was total.
Obvious exits: southeast, out
Map: ti-wilds-1643860469.png
Exit Connecting Room
out 12638
southeast 12640
Full Room Info
{ "description": [ "Blackened and charred hulks, the remains of the counters display cases that filled the room, are all that's left of some merchant's fine wares. Barrels of salt have burned and melted into piles of sooty slag. Metal tools and implements have melted together into heaps of useless scrap. The destruction here was total." ], "id": 12639, "image": "ti-wilds-1643860469.png", "image_coords": [ 401, 919, 409, 927 ], "location": "the Fhorian Village", "paths": [ "Obvious exits: southeast, out" ], "tags": [ "no forageables" ], "timeto": { "12638": 0.2, "12640": 0.2 }, "title": [ "[Mercantile, Display Room]" ], "uid": [ 3030014 ], "wayto": { "12638": "out", "12640": "southeast" } }

MapDB last updated: 2025-03-04 16:18:58 +0000