;e refill_hands = false;
done = false;
stairs_look = dothistimeout "look staircase",3,/you could easily scramble up them to the ledge above.|It really doesn't make much sense./
if stairs_look =~ /you could easily scramble up them to the ledge above/
done = true;
runes = {"O"=>"R", "R"=>"S", "Z"=>"Z", "S"=>"O", "E"=>"E"};
result = stairs = under = rune = nil;
look = true;
refill_hands = false;
while done == false;
(refill_hands = true;empty_hands;) if GameObj.right_hand.id and GameObj.left_hand.id;
if look == true;
result = dothistimeout "look runes", 3, /There are five protrusions with rune markings. .*? Four of the runes are lined up in a row, labeled: R, S, Z and O, in dwarven. The last one, labeled (\w), is directly under the (\w) rune./;
if result =~ /There are five protrusions with rune markings. .*? Four of the runes are lined up in a row, labeled: R, S, Z and O, in dwarven. The last one, labeled (\w), is directly under the (\w) rune./;
rune = $1;
under = $2;
look = false;
under = "e";
result = dothistimeout "press #{runes["#{under}"]} rune", 5, /You touch the \w rune. With a loud grinding sound, .*?. (.*?) Curiously the (\w) rune seems to have shifted position. It is now lined up under the (\w) rune.|.*?Nothing happens||You touch the E rune. With a loud grinding sound, the entire staircase lowers into the ledge./;
if result =~ /You touch the \w rune. With a loud grinding sound, .*?. (.*?) Curiously the (\w) rune seems to have shifted position. It is now lined up under the (\w) rune./;
stairs = $1;
rune = $2;
under = $3;
elsif result =~ /.*?Nothing happens/;
under = "E";
look = false;
elsif result =~ /You touch the E rune./;
look = true;
done = true if stairs =~ /complete staircase/;
if under.nil? and done == false;
echo "something went wrong working with the runes. Pausing go2.";
fill_hands if refill_hands;
move("go staircase");