Two glass-paned cases square off, facing each other across the shop. Their contents not withstanding, the room is almost entirely white -- whitewashed stone walls, a white tiled floor and a white marble-topped bar set in a recessed space along the back wall combine in a cool, clean aesthetic.
Obvious exits: out
Exit Connecting Room
out 206
go steps 18685
Full Room Info
{ "climate": "none", "description": [ "Two glass-paned cases square off, facing each other across the shop. Their contents not withstanding, the room is almost entirely white -- whitewashed stone walls, a white tiled floor and a white marble-topped bar set in a recessed space along the back wall combine in a cool, clean aesthetic." ], "id": 18679, "location": "Ta'Illistim", "paths": [ "Obvious exits: out" ], "tags": [ "no forageables", "meta:forage-sensed", "meta:forage-sensed:night:2022-11" ], "terrain": "none", "timeto": { "18685": 0.2, "206": 0.2 }, "title": [ "[Charcuterie Weyr]" ], "uid": [ 13104678 ], "wayto": { "18685": "go steps", "206": "out" } }

MapDB last updated: 2025-03-04 16:18:58 +0000