;e eyespy = Spell[707]; unless eyespy.affordable?; echo 'waiting for mana...'; wait_until { eyespy.affordable? }; end; eyespy.cast; for dir in [ 'out', 'south', 'door', 'northwest', 'northeast', 'west', 'water', 'grate', 'southeast', 'southeast', 'open', 'stair' ]; fput 'tell eye to go ' + dir; end; result = dothistimeout 'tell eye to read basalt', 10, /The (?:wy'zio|ag'loenar|odeir'cos|beiron'fyn|ikar'fyn|quiss'fyn|erikar'fyn|lorae'tyr|shien'tyr|vakra|grk'tyr) rune glows with a pallid light on the surface of the panel of basalt/; if rune = /The (wy'zio|ag'loenar|odeir'cos|beiron'fyn|ikar'fyn|quiss'fyn|erikar'fyn|lorae'tyr|shien'tyr|vakra|grk'tyr) rune glows with a pallid light on the surface of the panel of basalt/.match(result).captures.first; fput 'draw ' + rune + ' rune on basalt'; end; result = dothistimeout 'tell eye to read chalcedony', 10, /The (?:wy'zio|ag'loenar|odeir'cos|beiron'fyn|ikar'fyn|quiss'fyn|erikar'fyn|lorae'tyr|shien'tyr|vakra|grk'tyr) rune glows with a pallid light on the surface of the panel of chalcedony/; if rune = /The (wy'zio|ag'loenar|odeir'cos|beiron'fyn|ikar'fyn|quiss'fyn|erikar'fyn|lorae'tyr|shien'tyr|vakra|grk'tyr) rune glows with a pallid light on the surface of the panel of chalcedony/.match(result).captures.first; fput 'draw ' + rune + ' rune on chalcedony'; end; fput 'tell eye to return'