The elegant decor of the foyer extends here, as does the use of the black candles that light the room. Crimson carpeting spreads from wall to wall and softly cushions each footstep. The north wall, paneled in dark walnut like the others, holds a large banner. A young clerk stands discreetly in a small alcove off to one side, behind the mannequin displaying wares for purchase. Upon a shelf set into the southern wall an array of wands, rods and other small items awaits your inspection.
Obvious exits: none
Map: wl-sorcerer_guild-1405076623.png
Exit Connecting Room
;e loop { wait_until { Spell[704].affordable? }; result = cast(704, 'banner'); break unless result =~ /Spell Hindrance/ } 18112
Full Room Info
{ "description": [ "The elegant decor of the foyer extends here, as does the use of the black candles that light the room. Crimson carpeting spreads from wall to wall and softly cushions each footstep. The north wall, paneled in dark walnut like the others, holds a large banner. A young clerk stands discreetly in a small alcove off to one side, behind the mannequin displaying wares for purchase. Upon a shelf set into the southern wall an array of wands, rods and other small items awaits your inspection." ], "id": 18926, "image": "wl-sorcerer_guild-1405076623.png", "image_coords": [ 343, 759, 384, 799 ], "location": "the Coastal Cliffs", "paths": [ "Obvious exits: none" ], "tags": [ "sorcerer guild shop" ], "timeto": { "18112": 0.2 }, "title": [ "[Sorcerer's Guild, Guild Shop]" ], "uid": [ 661014 ], "wayto": { "18112": ";e loop { wait_until { Spell[704].affordable? }; result = cast(704, 'banner'); break unless result =~ /Spell Hindrance/ } " } }

MapDB last updated: 2025-03-04 16:18:58 +0000