Stretching into the gently lapping waves, a long wooden dock allows access to the nearby highland. Barnacles, their white faces tinged with grey, cling to the supporting poles of the dock, while long strands of seaweed are knotted into the buoys that surround it.
Obvious paths: northeast, southeast, southwest, northwest
Map: ifw-eastern_waterway-1489553700.png
Exit Connecting Room
;e direction="southeast";; dothistimeout "pedal #{direction}", 2, /pedal/ while == start 25707
;e direction="southwest";; dothistimeout "pedal #{direction}", 2, /pedal/ while == start 25708
;e direction="northwest";; dothistimeout "pedal #{direction}", 2, /pedal/ while == start 25705
;e direction="northeast";;dothistimeout "pedal #{direction}", 2, /pedal/ while == start 25721
Full Room Info
{ "climate": "saltwater", "description": [ "Stretching into the gently lapping waves, a long wooden dock allows access to the nearby highland. Barnacles, their white faces tinged with grey, cling to the supporting poles of the dock, while long strands of seaweed are knotted into the buoys that surround it." ], "id": 25706, "image": "ifw-eastern_waterway-1489553700.png", "image_coords": [ 1920, 1918, 1941, 1938 ], "location": "Mist Harbor", "paths": [ "Obvious paths: northeast, southeast, southwest, northwest" ], "tags": [ "no forageables" ], "terrain": "hard, flat", "timeto": { "25705": 6.0, "25707": 6.0, "25708": 6.0, "25721": 6 }, "title": [ "[Eastern Waterway]" ], "uid": [ 3223880 ], "wayto": { "25705": ";e direction=\"northwest\";; dothistimeout \"pedal #{direction}\", 2, /pedal/ while == start", "25707": ";e direction=\"southeast\";; dothistimeout \"pedal #{direction}\", 2, /pedal/ while == start", "25708": ";e direction=\"southwest\";; dothistimeout \"pedal #{direction}\", 2, /pedal/ while == start", "25721": ";e direction=\"northeast\";;dothistimeout \"pedal #{direction}\", 2, /pedal/ while == start" } }

MapDB last updated: 2024-12-23 10:10:29 +0000