Whirling snow is tinted an incongruous rose color by the low arctic light. Then, a lull in the wind offers a breathtaking vision! Mantled by the storm's flurry, a monument perches on the mountain's top, immense in size and of extraordinary beauty. Columns march across the facade, their tops almost lost in the clouds, framing a colossal door. Beside the door, a shining gold crown is mounted in bas-relief, erratically throwing out brilliant reflections as light fights through the fog to caress it. |
;e unless (move 'go door'); push_result = dothistimeout 'push tine', 10, /^Slowly, the stone ring surrounding the crown rotates, finally stopping with the tine set with the|^You grasp the top tine and try to turn it, but it won't even budge.$/ until push_result =~ /^Slowly, the stone ring surrounding the crown rotates, finally stopping with the tine set with the (?:reflective glass stone aligned with the word 'Honor'|clear crystal stone aligned with the word 'Truth'|milky white stone aligned with the word 'Piety'|dull grey stone aligned with the word 'Humility'|flawless silver stone aligned with the word 'Faith'|veil iron stone aligned with the word 'Courage').$|^You grasp the top tine and try to turn it, but it won't even budge.$/; unless push_result.nil? or push_result == 'You grasp the top tine and try to turn it, but it won\'t even budge.'; unless mana < 100; castables = [ 110, 120, 140, 210, 216, 230, 420, 425, 430, 520, 540, 620, 625, 650, 1040, 1110, 1115, 1601, 1602, 1603, 1604, 1607, 1613, 1614, 1615 ].sort { |a,b| a.to_s[-2..-1] <=> b.to_s[-2..-1] }.reverse.collect { |n| Spell[n] }; castables.delete_if { |spell| spell.nil? or !spell.known? }; mana5spells = [105, 205, 305, 405, 505, 605, 705, 905, 1005, 1105, 1205, 1605].collect { |n| Spell[n] }; mana5spells.delete_if { |spell| spell.nil? or !spell.known? }; mana_needed = 100; while (mana_needed > 0) and ((Spell[515].active? and (spell = mana5spells.find { |s| s.known? })) or (spell = castables.find { |s| s.mana_cost <= mana_needed }) or (spell = castables.reverse.find { |s| s.mana_cost >= mana_needed })); loop { cast_result = spell.cast('crown'); break unless cast_result =~ /^\[Spell Hindrance for/ }; mana_needed -= spell.mana_cost; sleep 0.1; end; end; fput 'release' if Spell[515].active? and (checkprep != 'None'); fput 'touch crown'; fput 'say Aenatumgana'; sleep 0.5; end; move 'go door'; end