Beneath lapping blue waters powered by the strong easterly current, a rising mountain of sea glass glistens secretively. Whatever force brought so much of the substance into this particular spot on the ocean floor, some combination of natural factors in this location set the glass in a pattern of substantive collection over uncounted centuries. The jewel-tone glass presses against the black of Charl's Teeth, almost like gems laid upon a background of black silk.
Obvious paths: north, east, southeast, south, southwest, northwest
Map: FWI_Western_Waterways.png
Exit Connecting Room
pedal east 30414
pedal southwest 30412
pedal southeast 30413
pedal northwest 30417
pedal south 30411
pedal north 30416
Full Room Info
{ "climate": "saltwater", "description": [ "Beneath lapping blue waters powered by the strong easterly current, a rising mountain of sea glass glistens secretively. Whatever force brought so much of the substance into this particular spot on the ocean floor, some combination of natural factors in this location set the glass in a pattern of substantive collection over uncounted centuries. The jewel-tone glass presses against the black of Charl's Teeth, almost like gems laid upon a background of black silk." ], "id": 30415, "image": "FWI_Western_Waterways.png", "image_coords": [ 620, 2621, 639, 2640 ], "location": "the Western Harbor", "paths": [ "Obvious paths: north, east, southeast, south, southwest, northwest" ], "tags": [ "no forageables" ], "terrain": "hard, flat", "timeto": { "30411": 6.0, "30412": 6.0, "30413": 6.0, "30414": 6.0, "30416": 6.0, "30417": 6.0 }, "title": [ "[Western Waterway, Charl's Teeth]" ], "uid": [ 3216170 ], "wayto": { "30411": "pedal south", "30412": "pedal southwest", "30413": "pedal southeast", "30414": "pedal east", "30416": "pedal north", "30417": "pedal northwest" } }

MapDB last updated: 2025-03-04 16:18:58 +0000