This is a fake room used to hold wayto/timeto for urchin guides.
Obvious exits: bwahaha
Exit Connecting Room
urchin guide alchemy 17163
urchin guide armor 9684
urchin guide bank 4686
urchin guide chronomages 17130
urchin guide collectibles 23825
urchin guide debts 9683
urchin guide furrier 9687
urchin guide gemshop 4655
urchin guide herbalist 4647
urchin guide inn 4687
urchin guide justice 17141
urchin guide locksmith 4663
urchin guide locksmithpool 28718
urchin guide pawn 4683
urchin guide stable 22461
urchin guide tables 4688
urchin guide townhall 4670
urchin guide weapons 4668
urchin guide common 4653
urchin guide weddinghall 4652
urchin guide postoffice 30289
urchin guide cobbling 17170
urchin guide fletcher 17152
Full Room Info
{ "description": [ "This is a fake room used to hold wayto/timeto for urchin guides." ], "id": 30717, "location": "the village of Cysaegir", "paths": [ "Obvious exits: bwahaha" ], "tags": [ "urchin-hideout", "meta:map:virtual room" ], "timeto": { "17130": ";e Map[30714].timeto['7'].call;", "17141": ";e Map[30714].timeto['7'].call;", "17152": ";e Map[30714].timeto['7'].call;", "17163": ";e Map[30714].timeto['7'].call;", "17170": ";e Map[30714].timeto['7'].call;", "22461": ";e Map[30714].timeto['7'].call;", "23825": ";e Map[30714].timeto['7'].call;", "28718": ";e Map[30714].timeto['7'].call;", "30289": ";e Map[30714].timeto['7'].call;", "4647": ";e Map[30714].timeto['7'].call;", "4652": ";e Map[30714].timeto['7'].call;", "4653": ";e Map[30714].timeto['7'].call;", "4655": ";e Map[30714].timeto['7'].call;", "4663": ";e Map[30714].timeto['7'].call;", "4668": ";e Map[30714].timeto['7'].call;", "4670": ";e Map[30714].timeto['7'].call;", "4683": ";e Map[30714].timeto['7'].call;", "4686": ";e Map[30714].timeto['7'].call;", "4687": ";e Map[30714].timeto['7'].call;", "4688": ";e Map[30714].timeto['7'].call;", "9683": ";e Map[30714].timeto['7'].call;", "9684": ";e Map[30714].timeto['7'].call;", "9687": ";e Map[30714].timeto['7'].call;" }, "title": [ "[Cysaegir - Urchin Hideout]", "[the village of Cysaegir - Urchin Hideout]" ], "wayto": { "17130": "urchin guide chronomages", "17141": "urchin guide justice", "17152": "urchin guide fletcher", "17163": "urchin guide alchemy", "17170": "urchin guide cobbling", "22461": "urchin guide stable", "23825": "urchin guide collectibles", "28718": "urchin guide locksmithpool", "30289": "urchin guide postoffice", "4647": "urchin guide herbalist", "4652": "urchin guide weddinghall", "4653": "urchin guide common", "4655": "urchin guide gemshop", "4663": "urchin guide locksmith", "4668": "urchin guide weapons", "4670": "urchin guide townhall", "4683": "urchin guide pawn", "4686": "urchin guide bank", "4687": "urchin guide inn", "4688": "urchin guide tables", "9683": "urchin guide debts", "9684": "urchin guide armor", "9687": "urchin guide furrier" } }

MapDB last updated: 2024-12-23 10:10:29 +0000