Terminating in a rock and root-wrought pool, the stream emerges from the ground to bubble up and flow out of the hollowed interior of an ancient tree. The ultramarine waters tumble in mini cascades over the wild undergrowth to reach the still waters below, which emit a soft radiance. Sparks of light cavort in the air above the pool and within the loose twining of branches, winking in and out of existence with every other heartbeat.
Obvious paths: southwest
Map: fest-naidem-part2-1730328833.png
Exit Connecting Room
southwest 31670
Full Room Info
{ "description": [ "Terminating in a rock and root-wrought pool, the stream emerges from the ground to bubble up and flow out of the hollowed interior of an ancient tree. The ultramarine waters tumble in mini cascades over the wild undergrowth to reach the still waters below, which emit a soft radiance. Sparks of light cavort in the air above the pool and within the loose twining of branches, winking in and out of existence with every other heartbeat." ], "id": 31672, "image": "fest-naidem-part2-1730328833.png", "image_coords": [ 1575, 326, 1599, 347 ], "location": "Evermore Hollow", "paths": [ "Obvious paths: southwest" ], "tags": [ "deep plum direbloom", "scarlet direbloom", "misty pink dreamphlox", "spectral violet dreamphlox", "dark cyan mistbloom", "pale peach mistbloom", "auroral starflowers", "cerulean starflowers", "gold-cored ruby starflowers", "violet-tipped starflowers", "pearly green vine", "turquoise vine", "tangerine mushroom", "pink and violet mushroom", "rainbow-striped mushroom", "skeletal lace mushroom", "fairy's skirt mushroom", "amber-hued mushroom", "inky scorpidium moss", "rust scorpidium moss", "teal pincushion moss", "red pincushion moss", "old man's beard lichen", "yellow scale lichen", "meta:forage-sensed", "meta:forage-sensed:night:2022-10", "seedhead of beebalm", "meta:forage-sensed:day:2023-10" ], "timeto": { "31670": 0.2 }, "title": [ "[Bittermere Woods]" ], "uid": [ 8083276 ], "wayto": { "31670": "southwest" } }

MapDB last updated: 2025-03-04 16:18:58 +0000