The remnants of a once stately wrought iron fence rise from the ground as the trail rises eastward, with just the arrow-tipped tines still visible. The accompanying crumbled stone wall has nearly been reclaimed, sinking into the soft bank of the river to the west. Vines with glossy, dark green leaves creep along the remains of stone and iron, red-veined and twisting, coiled through the ruins as if trying to drag them from oblivion. Up against the wall's remains are a stack of sturdy wooden coffins.
Obvious paths: east
Map: fest-naidem-part2-1730328833.png
Exit Connecting Room
go coffins 31740
east 31738
Full Room Info
{ "description": [ "The remnants of a once stately wrought iron fence rise from the ground as the trail rises eastward, with just the arrow-tipped tines still visible. The accompanying crumbled stone wall has nearly been reclaimed, sinking into the soft bank of the river to the west. Vines with glossy, dark green leaves creep along the remains of stone and iron, red-veined and twisting, coiled through the ruins as if trying to drag them from oblivion. Up against the wall's remains are a stack of sturdy wooden coffins." ], "id": 31739, "image": "fest-naidem-part2-1730328833.png", "image_coords": [ 159, 952, 181, 977 ], "location": "Evermore Hollow", "paths": [ "Obvious paths: east" ], "tags": [ "deep plum direbloom", "scarlet direbloom", "skeletal lace mushroom", "inky scorpidium moss", "rust scorpidium moss", "meta:forage-sensed", "meta:forage-sensed:night:2022-10", "ebon drake claw root", "vert drake claw root", "meta:forage-sensed:day:2023-10" ], "timeto": { "31738": 0.2, "31740": 0.2 }, "title": [ "[Graveyard Temporalis, Outer Rim]" ], "uid": [ 8083318 ], "wayto": { "31738": "east", "31740": "go coffins" } }

MapDB last updated: 2025-03-04 16:18:58 +0000