The long epoch of neglect that ensued after the majority of the Sisters of Perpetual Abeyance moved on to other pursuits has not been kind to the interior of the abbey. Surrounded by an arch-roofed cloister, the drafty nave welcomes curious visitors eager for souvenirs of the order's heyday with offerings neatly exhibited atop a crowded catafalque and in a rectangular willow basket stacked with fastidiously penned documents. To the south, a windchime fashioned of mismatched keys jingles tinnily from its home above an ivy-besieged transept leading to the refectory.
Obvious exits: none
Exit Connecting Room
go cloister 31872
go transept 32091
Full Room Info
{ "description": [ "The long epoch of neglect that ensued after the majority of the Sisters of Perpetual Abeyance moved on to other pursuits has not been kind to the interior of the abbey. Surrounded by an arch-roofed cloister, the drafty nave welcomes curious visitors eager for souvenirs of the order's heyday with offerings neatly exhibited atop a crowded catafalque and in a rectangular willow basket stacked with fastidiously penned documents. To the south, a windchime fashioned of mismatched keys jingles tinnily from its home above an ivy-besieged transept leading to the refectory." ], "id": 31893, "location": "Evermore Hollow", "paths": [ "Obvious exits: none" ], "tags": [ "no forageables", "meta:forage-sensed", "meta:forage-sensed:night:2022-10" ], "timeto": { "31872": 0.2, "32091": 0.2 }, "title": [ "[Derelict Abbey, Nave]" ], "uid": [ 8084701 ], "wayto": { "31872": "go cloister", "32091": "go transept" } }

MapDB last updated: 2025-03-04 16:18:58 +0000