A few guttering candles valiantly battle the subterranean gloom, their wan illumination casting peculiar shadows on the walls that appear to lurch drunkenly at the slightest hint of a draft. Flanking a darkened passageway, a tatterdemalion statue of a one-winged fairy presents an outstretched tray for perusal, and a cracked marble sculpture of a kneeling sea nymph offers a peek into a lidless coffret on her lap.
Obvious exits: out
Exit Connecting Room
out 31727
go darkened passageway 32112
Full Room Info
{ "description": [ "A few guttering candles valiantly battle the subterranean gloom, their wan illumination casting peculiar shadows on the walls that appear to lurch drunkenly at the slightest hint of a draft. Flanking a darkened passageway, a tatterdemalion statue of a one-winged fairy presents an outstretched tray for perusal, and a cracked marble sculpture of a kneeling sea nymph offers a peek into a lidless coffret on her lap." ], "id": 32111, "location": "Evermore Hollow", "paths": [ "Obvious exits: out" ], "tags": [ "ghoul", "no forageables", "meta:forage-sensed", "meta:forage-sensed:night:2022-10" ], "timeto": { "31727": 0.2, "32112": 0.2 }, "title": [ "[The Sorrowwood Crypt, Entry]" ], "uid": [ 8083364 ], "wayto": { "31727": "out", "32112": "go darkened passageway" } }

MapDB last updated: 2025-03-04 16:18:58 +0000