This is a fake room used to hold wayto/timeto for urchin guides.
Obvious exits: bwahaha
Exit Connecting Room
urchin guide alchemy 29876
urchin guide bank 31059
urchin guide bounty 29866
urchin guide furrier 31060
urchin guide gemshop 31058
urchin guide guard 29877
urchin guide herbalist 31061
urchin guide locksmithpool 31083
urchin guide pipeden 29881
urchin guide gate 29868
Full Room Info
{ "description": [ "This is a fake room used to hold wayto/timeto for urchin guides." ], "id": 34399, "location": "Hinterwilds", "paths": [ "Obvious exits: bwahaha" ], "tags": [ "urchin-hideout", "meta:map:virtual room" ], "timeto": { "29866": ";e Map[30714].timeto['7'].call;", "29868": ";e Map[30714].timeto['7'].call;", "29876": ";e Map[30714].timeto['7'].call;", "29877": ";e Map[30714].timeto['7'].call;", "29881": ";e Map[30714].timeto['7'].call;", "31058": ";e Map[30714].timeto['7'].call;", "31059": ";e Map[30714].timeto['7'].call;", "31060": ";e Map[30714].timeto['7'].call;", "31061": ";e Map[30714].timeto['7'].call;", "31083": ";e Map[30714].timeto['7'].call;" }, "title": [ "[Hinterwilds - Urchin Hideout]" ], "wayto": { "29866": "urchin guide bounty", "29868": "urchin guide gate", "29876": "urchin guide alchemy", "29877": "urchin guide guard", "29881": "urchin guide pipeden", "31058": "urchin guide gemshop", "31059": "urchin guide bank", "31060": "urchin guide furrier", "31061": "urchin guide herbalist", "31083": "urchin guide locksmithpool" } }

MapDB last updated: 2024-12-23 10:10:29 +0000