This is a fake room used to hold wayto/timeto for urchin guides.
Obvious exits: bwahaha
Exit Connecting Room
urchin guide armor 32941
urchin guide osatask 32947
urchin guide postoffice 32936
urchin guide tables 32930
urchin guide docks 32928
Full Room Info
{ "description": [ "This is a fake room used to hold wayto/timeto for urchin guides." ], "id": 34400, "location": "Seareach", "paths": [ "Obvious exits: bwahaha" ], "tags": [ "urchin-hideout", "meta:map:virtual room" ], "timeto": { "32928": ";e Map[30714].timeto['7'].call;", "32930": ";e Map[30714].timeto['7'].call;", "32936": ";e Map[30714].timeto['7'].call;", "32941": ";e Map[30714].timeto['7'].call;", "32947": ";e Map[30714].timeto['7'].call;" }, "title": [ "[Seareach - Urchin Hideout]" ], "wayto": { "32928": "urchin guide docks", "32930": "urchin guide tables", "32936": "urchin guide postoffice", "32941": "urchin guide armor", "32947": "urchin guide osatask" } }

MapDB last updated: 2024-12-28 20:59:03 +0000