Row upon row of iron manacles bolted securely into the ceiling still hold tightly to the remains of the poor souls trapped forever in this horrible place. Something about the floor catches your eye as you dodge to avoid the clattering, lifeless bodies.
Obvious exits: none
Map: wl-darkstone-1717380773.png
Exit Connecting Room
go door 3697
go panel 3699
Full Room Info
{ "climate": "none", "description": [ "Row upon row of iron manacles bolted securely into the ceiling still hold tightly to the remains of the poor souls trapped forever in this horrible place. Something about the floor catches your eye as you dodge to avoid the clattering, lifeless bodies." ], "id": 3698, "image": "wl-darkstone-1717380773.png", "image_coords": [ 390, 1287, 400, 1297 ], "location": "Darkstone Castle", "paths": [ "Obvious exits: none" ], "tags": [ "meta:forage-sensed", "meta:forage-sensed:day:2022-09", "no forageables", "meta:forage-sensed:night:2023-01" ], "terrain": "none", "timeto": { "3697": 0.2, "3699": 0.2 }, "title": [ "[Darkstone, Outer Chamber]" ], "uid": [ 388001 ], "wayto": { "3697": "go door", "3699": "go panel" } }

MapDB last updated: 2025-03-04 16:18:58 +0000