;e if dothistimeout('go stone doors', 3, /^Obvious exits: west$|^You cannot/) !~ /^Obvious/; s = Spell[920]; if s.known?; if s.active?; r = dothistimeout 'tell familiar to return', 15, /^You sense understanding from your .+/; if f = /You sense understanding from your (.+)\./.match(r).captures.first; 150.times { sleep 0.1; break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |n| n.name =~ /#{f}/ } }; end; else; unless s.affordable?; echo 'Waiting for mana...'; wait_until { s.affordable? }; end; s.cast; end; r = dothistimeout 'tell familiar to watch', 15, /^You sense understanding|is already watching/; stop_watching = (r =~ /^You sense understanding/); which_ring = { 'iron' => 'iron', 'steel' => 'steel', 'bronze' => 'copper', 'copper' => 'bronze' }; fail = false; g = proc { |l| l.split(',').each { |d| r = dothistimeout(('tell familiar to go ' + d), 15, /^You sense|just squeezed between the stone doors|^Obvious (?:exits|paths)/); if r.nil? or (r =~ /^You sense confusion/); fail = true; next; elsif r =~ /^You sense that your .* is not able to enter the (.+) door/; dothistimeout(('tell familiar to get ' + which_ring[$1] + ' ring'), 15, /^Your familiar reacts with mild confusion|^You sense/); dothistimeout(('tell familiar to go ' + d), 15, /^You sense|^Obvious (?:exits|paths)/); end } }; 4.times { |i| i.zero? ? g.call('doors,w,s,arch,ne,e,privy,hole,w') : g.call('nw,w,w,n,'); break if fail; g.call('w,w,sw,iron door,steel door,bronze door,copper door'); break if fail; fput 'tell familiar to get rocks'; g.call('copper door,bronze door,steel door,iron door,ne,e,e,s,e,e,se'); break if fail; fput 'tell familiar to drop basket' }; fput 'tell familiar to stop watching' if stop_watching; if UserVars.mapdb_hate_familiar; sleep 0.3; put 'tell familiar to return'; put 'tell familiar to stay'; end; end; move 'go doors'; end