Two heavily heavily barred windows set just above a small marble ledge are the only items of real interest in this barren yet elegant lobby. The walls, ceiling and floor, though, speak of a wealth of silvers that have enriched the owners of the establishment. Two dwarves mill about behind the windows, counting coins, writing notes, and conducting the customary bank business. A gilded sign, affixed to the wall between the two windows, gives information on the use of the bank's services.
Obvious exits: out
Map: en-zul_logoth-1639816187.png
Exit Connecting Room
go arch 9473
out 9410
go alcove 29682
;e true 30712
Full Room Info
{ "description": [ "Two heavily heavily barred windows set just above a small marble ledge are the only items of real interest in this barren yet elegant lobby. The walls, ceiling and floor, though, speak of a wealth of silvers that have enriched the owners of the establishment. Two dwarves mill about behind the windows, counting coins, writing notes, and conducting the customary bank business. A gilded sign, affixed to the wall between the two windows, gives information on the use of the bank's services.", "Two heavily barred windows set just above a small marble ledge are the only items of real interest in this barren yet elegant lobby. The walls, ceiling and floor, though, speak of a wealth of silvers that have enriched the owners of the establishment. Two dwarves mill about behind the windows, counting coins, writing notes, and conducting the customary bank business. A gilded sign, affixed to the wall between the two windows, gives information on the use of the bank's services." ], "id": 9472, "image": "en-zul_logoth-1639816187.png", "image_coords": [ 677, 451, 713, 487 ], "location": "Zul Logoth", "paths": [ "Obvious exits: out" ], "tags": [ "bank", "no forageables", "meta:forage-sensed", "urchin-access", "urchin guide bank", "meta:nomagic" ], "timeto": { "29682": 0.2, "30712": ";e Map[7].timeto['30714'].call;", "9410": 0.2, "9473": 0.2 }, "title": [ "[Bank of Zul Logoth]" ], "uid": [ 13010001 ], "wayto": { "29682": "go alcove", "30712": ";e true", "9410": "out", "9473": "go arch" } }

MapDB last updated: 2024-12-23 10:10:29 +0000