A portion of the wall has collapsed here, cutting the hallway by more than half its width. Hollow stone pillars, some of which house gently glowing fires, line the walls as they support the ceiling above. |
Obvious exits: north, northeast, east, southeast, south, southwest, west, northwest |
Map: wl-wehntoph-1310775397.png |
| | | | | | | | | |
Connecting Room
;e target_room_id = 6212; maze_rooms = [6212, 6213, 6214, 6215, 6216, 6217, 6218, 6219, 6220]; $minotaur_maze_dirs ||= Hash.new; loop { if (bounty? =~ /^You have made contact with the child/); child = GameObj.npcs.find { |npc| npc.noun == 'child' }; else; child = nil; end; start_room = Room.current; $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id] ||= Hash.new; dir = $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id].keys.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d] == target_room_id } || XMLData.room_exits.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d].nil? } || $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id].keys.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[$minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d]].values.include?(target_room_id) } || XMLData.room_exits[rand(XMLData.room_exits.length)]; move dir.dup; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; end_room = Room.current; $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][dir] = end_room.id; if end_room.id == target_room_id; break; elsif not maze_rooms.include?(end_room.id); dir = end_room.wayto[start_room.id.to_s]; if dir.class == Proc; dir.call; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; elsif dir.class == String; move dir.dup; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; end; end }
;e target_room_id = 6213; maze_rooms = [6212, 6213, 6214, 6215, 6216, 6217, 6218, 6219, 6220]; $minotaur_maze_dirs ||= Hash.new; loop { if (bounty? =~ /^You have made contact with the child/); child = GameObj.npcs.find { |npc| npc.noun == 'child' }; else; child = nil; end; start_room = Room.current; $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id] ||= Hash.new; dir = $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id].keys.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d] == target_room_id } || XMLData.room_exits.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d].nil? } || $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id].keys.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[$minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d]].values.include?(target_room_id) } || XMLData.room_exits[rand(XMLData.room_exits.length)]; move dir.dup; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; end_room = Room.current; $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][dir] = end_room.id; if end_room.id == target_room_id; break; elsif not maze_rooms.include?(end_room.id); dir = end_room.wayto[start_room.id.to_s]; if dir.class == Proc; dir.call; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; elsif dir.class == String; move dir.dup; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; end; end }
;e target_room_id = 6214; maze_rooms = [6212, 6213, 6214, 6215, 6216, 6217, 6218, 6219, 6220]; $minotaur_maze_dirs ||= Hash.new; loop { if (bounty? =~ /^You have made contact with the child/); child = GameObj.npcs.find { |npc| npc.noun == 'child' }; else; child = nil; end; start_room = Room.current; $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id] ||= Hash.new; dir = $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id].keys.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d] == target_room_id } || XMLData.room_exits.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d].nil? } || $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id].keys.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[$minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d]].values.include?(target_room_id) } || XMLData.room_exits[rand(XMLData.room_exits.length)]; move dir.dup; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; end_room = Room.current; $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][dir] = end_room.id; if end_room.id == target_room_id; break; elsif not maze_rooms.include?(end_room.id); dir = end_room.wayto[start_room.id.to_s]; if dir.class == Proc; dir.call; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; elsif dir.class == String; move dir.dup; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; end; end }
;e target_room_id = 6215; maze_rooms = [6212, 6213, 6214, 6215, 6216, 6217, 6218, 6219, 6220]; $minotaur_maze_dirs ||= Hash.new; loop { if (bounty? =~ /^You have made contact with the child/); child = GameObj.npcs.find { |npc| npc.noun == 'child' }; else; child = nil; end; start_room = Room.current; $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id] ||= Hash.new; dir = $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id].keys.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d] == target_room_id } || XMLData.room_exits.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d].nil? } || $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id].keys.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[$minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d]].values.include?(target_room_id) } || XMLData.room_exits[rand(XMLData.room_exits.length)]; move dir.dup; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; end_room = Room.current; $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][dir] = end_room.id; if end_room.id == target_room_id; break; elsif not maze_rooms.include?(end_room.id); dir = end_room.wayto[start_room.id.to_s]; if dir.class == Proc; dir.call; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; elsif dir.class == String; move dir.dup; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; end; end }
;e target_room_id = 6216; maze_rooms = [6212, 6213, 6214, 6215, 6216, 6217, 6218, 6219, 6220]; $minotaur_maze_dirs ||= Hash.new; loop { if (bounty? =~ /^You have made contact with the child/); child = GameObj.npcs.find { |npc| npc.noun == 'child' }; else; child = nil; end; start_room = Room.current; $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id] ||= Hash.new; dir = $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id].keys.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d] == target_room_id } || XMLData.room_exits.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d].nil? } || $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id].keys.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[$minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d]].values.include?(target_room_id) } || XMLData.room_exits[rand(XMLData.room_exits.length)]; move dir.dup; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; end_room = Room.current; $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][dir] = end_room.id; if end_room.id == target_room_id; break; elsif not maze_rooms.include?(end_room.id); dir = end_room.wayto[start_room.id.to_s]; if dir.class == Proc; dir.call; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; elsif dir.class == String; move dir.dup; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; end; end }
;e target_room_id = 6217; maze_rooms = [6212, 6213, 6214, 6215, 6216, 6217, 6218, 6219, 6220]; $minotaur_maze_dirs ||= Hash.new; loop { if (bounty? =~ /^You have made contact with the child/); child = GameObj.npcs.find { |npc| npc.noun == 'child' }; else; child = nil; end; start_room = Room.current; $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id] ||= Hash.new; dir = $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id].keys.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d] == target_room_id } || XMLData.room_exits.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d].nil? } || $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id].keys.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[$minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d]].values.include?(target_room_id) } || XMLData.room_exits[rand(XMLData.room_exits.length)]; move dir.dup; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; end_room = Room.current; $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][dir] = end_room.id; if end_room.id == target_room_id; break; elsif not maze_rooms.include?(end_room.id); dir = end_room.wayto[start_room.id.to_s]; if dir.class == Proc; dir.call; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; elsif dir.class == String; move dir.dup; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; end; end }
;e target_room_id = 6219; maze_rooms = [6212, 6213, 6214, 6215, 6216, 6217, 6218, 6219, 6220]; $minotaur_maze_dirs ||= Hash.new; loop { if (bounty? =~ /^You have made contact with the child/); child = GameObj.npcs.find { |npc| npc.noun == 'child' }; else; child = nil; end; start_room = Room.current; $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id] ||= Hash.new; dir = $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id].keys.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d] == target_room_id } || XMLData.room_exits.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d].nil? } || $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id].keys.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[$minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d]].values.include?(target_room_id) } || XMLData.room_exits[rand(XMLData.room_exits.length)]; move dir.dup; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; end_room = Room.current; $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][dir] = end_room.id; if end_room.id == target_room_id; break; elsif not maze_rooms.include?(end_room.id); dir = end_room.wayto[start_room.id.to_s]; if dir.class == Proc; dir.call; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; elsif dir.class == String; move dir.dup; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; end; end }
;e target_room_id = 6220; maze_rooms = [6212, 6213, 6214, 6215, 6216, 6217, 6218, 6219, 6220]; $minotaur_maze_dirs ||= Hash.new; loop { if (bounty? =~ /^You have made contact with the child/); child = GameObj.npcs.find { |npc| npc.noun == 'child' }; else; child = nil; end; start_room = Room.current; $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id] ||= Hash.new; dir = $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id].keys.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d] == target_room_id } || XMLData.room_exits.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d].nil? } || $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id].keys.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[$minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d]].values.include?(target_room_id) } || XMLData.room_exits[rand(XMLData.room_exits.length)]; move dir.dup; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; end_room = Room.current; $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][dir] = end_room.id; if end_room.id == target_room_id; break; elsif not maze_rooms.include?(end_room.id); dir = end_room.wayto[start_room.id.to_s]; if dir.class == Proc; dir.call; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; elsif dir.class == String; move dir.dup; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; end; end }