A series of large chutes snakes back and forth above, swiveling and swerving in and out of the shadows. Small motes and specks of dirt and dust dance slowly downward, visible in the streams of moonlight that break in through the holes in the ceiling above.
Obvious exits: north, northeast, east, southeast, south, southwest, west, northwest
Map: wl-wehntoph-1310775397.png
Exit Connecting Room
;e target_room_id = 6212; maze_rooms = [6212, 6213, 6214, 6215, 6216, 6217, 6218, 6219, 6220]; $minotaur_maze_dirs ||= Hash.new; loop { if (bounty? =~ /^You have made contact with the child/); child = GameObj.npcs.find { |npc| npc.noun == 'child' }; else; child = nil; end; start_room = Room.current; $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id] ||= Hash.new; dir = $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id].keys.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d] == target_room_id } || XMLData.room_exits.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d].nil? } || $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id].keys.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[$minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d]].values.include?(target_room_id) } || XMLData.room_exits[rand(XMLData.room_exits.length)]; move dir.dup; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; end_room = Room.current; $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][dir] = end_room.id; if end_room.id == target_room_id; break; elsif not maze_rooms.include?(end_room.id); dir = end_room.wayto[start_room.id.to_s]; if dir.class == Proc; dir.call; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; elsif dir.class == String; move dir.dup; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; end; end } 6212
;e target_room_id = 6213; maze_rooms = [6212, 6213, 6214, 6215, 6216, 6217, 6218, 6219, 6220]; $minotaur_maze_dirs ||= Hash.new; loop { if (bounty? =~ /^You have made contact with the child/); child = GameObj.npcs.find { |npc| npc.noun == 'child' }; else; child = nil; end; start_room = Room.current; $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id] ||= Hash.new; dir = $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id].keys.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d] == target_room_id } || XMLData.room_exits.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d].nil? } || $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id].keys.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[$minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d]].values.include?(target_room_id) } || XMLData.room_exits[rand(XMLData.room_exits.length)]; move dir.dup; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; end_room = Room.current; $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][dir] = end_room.id; if end_room.id == target_room_id; break; elsif not maze_rooms.include?(end_room.id); dir = end_room.wayto[start_room.id.to_s]; if dir.class == Proc; dir.call; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; elsif dir.class == String; move dir.dup; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; end; end } 6213
;e target_room_id = 6214; maze_rooms = [6212, 6213, 6214, 6215, 6216, 6217, 6218, 6219, 6220]; $minotaur_maze_dirs ||= Hash.new; loop { if (bounty? =~ /^You have made contact with the child/); child = GameObj.npcs.find { |npc| npc.noun == 'child' }; else; child = nil; end; start_room = Room.current; $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id] ||= Hash.new; dir = $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id].keys.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d] == target_room_id } || XMLData.room_exits.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d].nil? } || $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id].keys.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[$minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d]].values.include?(target_room_id) } || XMLData.room_exits[rand(XMLData.room_exits.length)]; move dir.dup; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; end_room = Room.current; $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][dir] = end_room.id; if end_room.id == target_room_id; break; elsif not maze_rooms.include?(end_room.id); dir = end_room.wayto[start_room.id.to_s]; if dir.class == Proc; dir.call; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; elsif dir.class == String; move dir.dup; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; end; end } 6214
;e target_room_id = 6215; maze_rooms = [6212, 6213, 6214, 6215, 6216, 6217, 6218, 6219, 6220]; $minotaur_maze_dirs ||= Hash.new; loop { if (bounty? =~ /^You have made contact with the child/); child = GameObj.npcs.find { |npc| npc.noun == 'child' }; else; child = nil; end; start_room = Room.current; $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id] ||= Hash.new; dir = $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id].keys.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d] == target_room_id } || XMLData.room_exits.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d].nil? } || $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id].keys.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[$minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d]].values.include?(target_room_id) } || XMLData.room_exits[rand(XMLData.room_exits.length)]; move dir.dup; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; end_room = Room.current; $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][dir] = end_room.id; if end_room.id == target_room_id; break; elsif not maze_rooms.include?(end_room.id); dir = end_room.wayto[start_room.id.to_s]; if dir.class == Proc; dir.call; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; elsif dir.class == String; move dir.dup; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; end; end } 6215
;e target_room_id = 6216; maze_rooms = [6212, 6213, 6214, 6215, 6216, 6217, 6218, 6219, 6220]; $minotaur_maze_dirs ||= Hash.new; loop { if (bounty? =~ /^You have made contact with the child/); child = GameObj.npcs.find { |npc| npc.noun == 'child' }; else; child = nil; end; start_room = Room.current; $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id] ||= Hash.new; dir = $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id].keys.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d] == target_room_id } || XMLData.room_exits.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d].nil? } || $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id].keys.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[$minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d]].values.include?(target_room_id) } || XMLData.room_exits[rand(XMLData.room_exits.length)]; move dir.dup; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; end_room = Room.current; $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][dir] = end_room.id; if end_room.id == target_room_id; break; elsif not maze_rooms.include?(end_room.id); dir = end_room.wayto[start_room.id.to_s]; if dir.class == Proc; dir.call; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; elsif dir.class == String; move dir.dup; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; end; end } 6216
;e target_room_id = 6217; maze_rooms = [6212, 6213, 6214, 6215, 6216, 6217, 6218, 6219, 6220]; $minotaur_maze_dirs ||= Hash.new; loop { if (bounty? =~ /^You have made contact with the child/); child = GameObj.npcs.find { |npc| npc.noun == 'child' }; else; child = nil; end; start_room = Room.current; $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id] ||= Hash.new; dir = $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id].keys.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d] == target_room_id } || XMLData.room_exits.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d].nil? } || $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id].keys.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[$minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d]].values.include?(target_room_id) } || XMLData.room_exits[rand(XMLData.room_exits.length)]; move dir.dup; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; end_room = Room.current; $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][dir] = end_room.id; if end_room.id == target_room_id; break; elsif not maze_rooms.include?(end_room.id); dir = end_room.wayto[start_room.id.to_s]; if dir.class == Proc; dir.call; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; elsif dir.class == String; move dir.dup; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; end; end } 6217
;e target_room_id = 6218; maze_rooms = [6212, 6213, 6214, 6215, 6216, 6217, 6218, 6219, 6220]; $minotaur_maze_dirs ||= Hash.new; loop { if (bounty? =~ /^You have made contact with the child/); child = GameObj.npcs.find { |npc| npc.noun == 'child' }; else; child = nil; end; start_room = Room.current; $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id] ||= Hash.new; dir = $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id].keys.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d] == target_room_id } || XMLData.room_exits.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d].nil? } || $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id].keys.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[$minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d]].values.include?(target_room_id) } || XMLData.room_exits[rand(XMLData.room_exits.length)]; move dir.dup; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; end_room = Room.current; $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][dir] = end_room.id; if end_room.id == target_room_id; break; elsif not maze_rooms.include?(end_room.id); dir = end_room.wayto[start_room.id.to_s]; if dir.class == Proc; dir.call; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; elsif dir.class == String; move dir.dup; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; end; end } 6218
;e target_room_id = 6219; maze_rooms = [6212, 6213, 6214, 6215, 6216, 6217, 6218, 6219, 6220]; $minotaur_maze_dirs ||= Hash.new; loop { if (bounty? =~ /^You have made contact with the child/); child = GameObj.npcs.find { |npc| npc.noun == 'child' }; else; child = nil; end; start_room = Room.current; $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id] ||= Hash.new; dir = $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id].keys.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d] == target_room_id } || XMLData.room_exits.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d].nil? } || $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id].keys.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[$minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d]].values.include?(target_room_id) } || XMLData.room_exits[rand(XMLData.room_exits.length)]; move dir.dup; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; end_room = Room.current; $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][dir] = end_room.id; if end_room.id == target_room_id; break; elsif not maze_rooms.include?(end_room.id); dir = end_room.wayto[start_room.id.to_s]; if dir.class == Proc; dir.call; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; elsif dir.class == String; move dir.dup; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; end; end } 6219
Full Room Info
{ "description": [ "A series of large chutes snakes back and forth above, swiveling and swerving in and out of the shadows. Small motes and specks of dirt and dust dance slowly downward, visible in the streams of moonlight that break in through the holes in the ceiling above.", "A series of large chutes snakes back and forth above, swiveling and swerving in and out of the shadows. Small motes and specks of dirt and dust dance slowly downward, visible in the streams of daylight that break in through the holes in the ceiling above." ], "id": 6220, "image": "wl-wehntoph-1310775397.png", "image_coords": [ 679, 685, 694, 703 ], "location": "The Hidden Plateau", "paths": [ "Obvious exits: north, northeast, east, southeast, south, southwest, west, northwest" ], "tags": [ "withered black mushroom", "black hook mushroom", "soft white mushroom", "white hook mushroom", "blue trafel mushroom", "cave moss", "murdroot", "ironfern root", "bolmara lichen", "meta:forage-sensed", "red trafel mushroom", "wingstem root", "meta:forage-sensed:day:2022-09", "meta:forage-sensed:night:2022-09" ], "timeto": { "6212": 0.5, "6213": 0.5, "6214": 0.5, "6215": 0.5, "6216": 0.5, "6217": 0.5, "6218": 0.5, "6219": 0.5 }, "title": [ "[Labyrinth, The Unending Path]" ], "uid": [ 2167094 ], "wayto": { "6212": ";e target_room_id = 6212; maze_rooms = [6212, 6213, 6214, 6215, 6216, 6217, 6218, 6219, 6220]; $minotaur_maze_dirs ||= Hash.new; loop { if (bounty? =~ /^You have made contact with the child/); child = GameObj.npcs.find { |npc| npc.noun == 'child' }; else; child = nil; end; start_room = Room.current; $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id] ||= Hash.new; dir = $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id].keys.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d] == target_room_id } || XMLData.room_exits.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d].nil? } || $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id].keys.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[$minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d]].values.include?(target_room_id) } || XMLData.room_exits[rand(XMLData.room_exits.length)]; move dir.dup; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; end_room = Room.current; $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][dir] = end_room.id; if end_room.id == target_room_id; break; elsif not maze_rooms.include?(end_room.id); dir = end_room.wayto[start_room.id.to_s]; if dir.class == Proc; dir.call; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; elsif dir.class == String; move dir.dup; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; end; end }", "6213": ";e target_room_id = 6213; maze_rooms = [6212, 6213, 6214, 6215, 6216, 6217, 6218, 6219, 6220]; $minotaur_maze_dirs ||= Hash.new; loop { if (bounty? =~ /^You have made contact with the child/); child = GameObj.npcs.find { |npc| npc.noun == 'child' }; else; child = nil; end; start_room = Room.current; $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id] ||= Hash.new; dir = $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id].keys.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d] == target_room_id } || XMLData.room_exits.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d].nil? } || $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id].keys.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[$minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d]].values.include?(target_room_id) } || XMLData.room_exits[rand(XMLData.room_exits.length)]; move dir.dup; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; end_room = Room.current; $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][dir] = end_room.id; if end_room.id == target_room_id; break; elsif not maze_rooms.include?(end_room.id); dir = end_room.wayto[start_room.id.to_s]; if dir.class == Proc; dir.call; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; elsif dir.class == String; move dir.dup; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; end; end }", "6214": ";e target_room_id = 6214; maze_rooms = [6212, 6213, 6214, 6215, 6216, 6217, 6218, 6219, 6220]; $minotaur_maze_dirs ||= Hash.new; loop { if (bounty? =~ /^You have made contact with the child/); child = GameObj.npcs.find { |npc| npc.noun == 'child' }; else; child = nil; end; start_room = Room.current; $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id] ||= Hash.new; dir = $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id].keys.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d] == target_room_id } || XMLData.room_exits.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d].nil? } || $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id].keys.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[$minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d]].values.include?(target_room_id) } || XMLData.room_exits[rand(XMLData.room_exits.length)]; move dir.dup; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; end_room = Room.current; $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][dir] = end_room.id; if end_room.id == target_room_id; break; elsif not maze_rooms.include?(end_room.id); dir = end_room.wayto[start_room.id.to_s]; if dir.class == Proc; dir.call; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; elsif dir.class == String; move dir.dup; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; end; end }", "6215": ";e target_room_id = 6215; maze_rooms = [6212, 6213, 6214, 6215, 6216, 6217, 6218, 6219, 6220]; $minotaur_maze_dirs ||= Hash.new; loop { if (bounty? =~ /^You have made contact with the child/); child = GameObj.npcs.find { |npc| npc.noun == 'child' }; else; child = nil; end; start_room = Room.current; $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id] ||= Hash.new; dir = $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id].keys.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d] == target_room_id } || XMLData.room_exits.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d].nil? } || $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id].keys.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[$minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d]].values.include?(target_room_id) } || XMLData.room_exits[rand(XMLData.room_exits.length)]; move dir.dup; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; end_room = Room.current; $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][dir] = end_room.id; if end_room.id == target_room_id; break; elsif not maze_rooms.include?(end_room.id); dir = end_room.wayto[start_room.id.to_s]; if dir.class == Proc; dir.call; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; elsif dir.class == String; move dir.dup; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; end; end }", "6216": ";e target_room_id = 6216; maze_rooms = [6212, 6213, 6214, 6215, 6216, 6217, 6218, 6219, 6220]; $minotaur_maze_dirs ||= Hash.new; loop { if (bounty? =~ /^You have made contact with the child/); child = GameObj.npcs.find { |npc| npc.noun == 'child' }; else; child = nil; end; start_room = Room.current; $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id] ||= Hash.new; dir = $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id].keys.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d] == target_room_id } || XMLData.room_exits.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d].nil? } || $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id].keys.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[$minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d]].values.include?(target_room_id) } || XMLData.room_exits[rand(XMLData.room_exits.length)]; move dir.dup; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; end_room = Room.current; $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][dir] = end_room.id; if end_room.id == target_room_id; break; elsif not maze_rooms.include?(end_room.id); dir = end_room.wayto[start_room.id.to_s]; if dir.class == Proc; dir.call; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; elsif dir.class == String; move dir.dup; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; end; end }", "6217": ";e target_room_id = 6217; maze_rooms = [6212, 6213, 6214, 6215, 6216, 6217, 6218, 6219, 6220]; $minotaur_maze_dirs ||= Hash.new; loop { if (bounty? =~ /^You have made contact with the child/); child = GameObj.npcs.find { |npc| npc.noun == 'child' }; else; child = nil; end; start_room = Room.current; $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id] ||= Hash.new; dir = $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id].keys.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d] == target_room_id } || XMLData.room_exits.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d].nil? } || $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id].keys.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[$minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d]].values.include?(target_room_id) } || XMLData.room_exits[rand(XMLData.room_exits.length)]; move dir.dup; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; end_room = Room.current; $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][dir] = end_room.id; if end_room.id == target_room_id; break; elsif not maze_rooms.include?(end_room.id); dir = end_room.wayto[start_room.id.to_s]; if dir.class == Proc; dir.call; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; elsif dir.class == String; move dir.dup; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; end; end }", "6218": ";e target_room_id = 6218; maze_rooms = [6212, 6213, 6214, 6215, 6216, 6217, 6218, 6219, 6220]; $minotaur_maze_dirs ||= Hash.new; loop { if (bounty? =~ /^You have made contact with the child/); child = GameObj.npcs.find { |npc| npc.noun == 'child' }; else; child = nil; end; start_room = Room.current; $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id] ||= Hash.new; dir = $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id].keys.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d] == target_room_id } || XMLData.room_exits.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d].nil? } || $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id].keys.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[$minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d]].values.include?(target_room_id) } || XMLData.room_exits[rand(XMLData.room_exits.length)]; move dir.dup; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; end_room = Room.current; $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][dir] = end_room.id; if end_room.id == target_room_id; break; elsif not maze_rooms.include?(end_room.id); dir = end_room.wayto[start_room.id.to_s]; if dir.class == Proc; dir.call; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; elsif dir.class == String; move dir.dup; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; end; end }", "6219": ";e target_room_id = 6219; maze_rooms = [6212, 6213, 6214, 6215, 6216, 6217, 6218, 6219, 6220]; $minotaur_maze_dirs ||= Hash.new; loop { if (bounty? =~ /^You have made contact with the child/); child = GameObj.npcs.find { |npc| npc.noun == 'child' }; else; child = nil; end; start_room = Room.current; $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id] ||= Hash.new; dir = $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id].keys.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d] == target_room_id } || XMLData.room_exits.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d].nil? } || $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id].keys.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[$minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d]].values.include?(target_room_id) } || XMLData.room_exits[rand(XMLData.room_exits.length)]; move dir.dup; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; end_room = Room.current; $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][dir] = end_room.id; if end_room.id == target_room_id; break; elsif not maze_rooms.include?(end_room.id); dir = end_room.wayto[start_room.id.to_s]; if dir.class == Proc; dir.call; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; elsif dir.class == String; move dir.dup; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; end; end }" } }

MapDB last updated: 2025-01-19 02:27:12 +0000