A stocky, middle-aged dwarf works behind a long, low counter, sorting gems and purchasing jewels from miners. A long, wide shelf behind her contains several boxes with various titles. She purchases the gems, then sorts them into the boxes. When a box becomes too full, she empties it onto a tray and shoves the tray through an opening in the back wall. The only other furnishings in this sparse shop are some crates stacked against the south wall and two amber toadstools in stone pots.
Obvious exits: out
Map: en-zul_logoth-1639816187.png
Exit Connecting Room
go doorway 9476
out 9412
;e true 30712
Full Room Info
{ "description": [ "A stocky, middle-aged dwarf works behind a long, low counter, sorting gems and purchasing jewels from miners. A long, wide shelf behind her contains several boxes with various titles. She purchases the gems, then sorts them into the boxes. When a box becomes too full, she empties it onto a tray and shoves the tray through an opening in the back wall. The only other furnishings in this sparse shop are some crates stacked against the south wall and two amber toadstools in stone pots." ], "id": 9475, "image": "en-zul_logoth-1639816187.png", "image_coords": [ 606, 585, 616, 595 ], "location": "Zul Logoth", "paths": [ "Obvious exits: out" ], "tags": [ "gemshop", "no forageables", "meta:forage-sensed", "urchin-access", "urchin guide gemshop" ], "timeto": { "30712": ";e Map[7].timeto['30714'].call;", "9412": 0.2, "9476": 0.2 }, "title": [ "[Praeteria's Gems and Jewels]" ], "uid": [ 13010003 ], "wayto": { "30712": ";e true", "9412": "out", "9476": "go doorway" } }

MapDB last updated: 2024-12-28 20:59:03 +0000