Elegantly carved marble structures flank a small set of stairs leading to an arched doorway, brightly burning braziers placed atop them. Etched into the structures are wide bull's heads. The doorway itself is barred by a heavy iron gate.
Obvious exits: north, northeast, east, southeast, south, southwest, west, northwest
Map: wl-wehntoph-1310775397.png
Exit Connecting Room
;e target_room_id = 6191; maze_rooms = [6191, 6254, 6252, 6250, 6195, 6197, 6199, 6249, 6198, 6248, 6196, 6251, 6192, 6193, 6194, 6253]; $minotaur_maze_dirs ||= Hash.new; loop { if (bounty? =~ /^You have made contact with the child/); child = GameObj.npcs.find { |npc| npc.noun == 'child' }; else; child = nil; end; start_room = Room.current; $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id] ||= Hash.new; dir = $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id].keys.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d] == target_room_id } || XMLData.room_exits.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d].nil? } || $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id].keys.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[$minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d]].values.include?(target_room_id) } || XMLData.room_exits[rand(XMLData.room_exits.length)]; move dir.dup; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; end_room = Room.current; $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][dir] = end_room.id; if end_room.id == target_room_id; break; elsif not maze_rooms.include?(end_room.id); dir = end_room.wayto[start_room.id.to_s]; if dir.class == Proc; dir.call; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; elsif dir.class == String; move dir.dup; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; end; end } 6191
;e target_room_id = 6192; maze_rooms = [6191, 6254, 6252, 6250, 6195, 6197, 6199, 6249, 6198, 6248, 6196, 6251, 6192, 6193, 6194, 6253]; $minotaur_maze_dirs ||= Hash.new; loop { if (bounty? =~ /^You have made contact with the child/); child = GameObj.npcs.find { |npc| npc.noun == 'child' }; else; child = nil; end; start_room = Room.current; $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id] ||= Hash.new; dir = $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id].keys.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d] == target_room_id } || XMLData.room_exits.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d].nil? } || $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id].keys.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[$minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d]].values.include?(target_room_id) } || XMLData.room_exits[rand(XMLData.room_exits.length)]; move dir.dup; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; end_room = Room.current; $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][dir] = end_room.id; if end_room.id == target_room_id; break; elsif not maze_rooms.include?(end_room.id); dir = end_room.wayto[start_room.id.to_s]; if dir.class == Proc; dir.call; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; elsif dir.class == String; move dir.dup; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; end; end } 6192
;e target_room_id = 6193; maze_rooms = [6191, 6254, 6252, 6250, 6195, 6197, 6199, 6249, 6198, 6248, 6196, 6251, 6192, 6193, 6194, 6253]; $minotaur_maze_dirs ||= Hash.new; loop { if (bounty? =~ /^You have made contact with the child/); child = GameObj.npcs.find { |npc| npc.noun == 'child' }; else; child = nil; end; start_room = Room.current; $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id] ||= Hash.new; dir = $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id].keys.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d] == target_room_id } || XMLData.room_exits.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d].nil? } || $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id].keys.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[$minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d]].values.include?(target_room_id) } || XMLData.room_exits[rand(XMLData.room_exits.length)]; move dir.dup; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; end_room = Room.current; $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][dir] = end_room.id; if end_room.id == target_room_id; break; elsif not maze_rooms.include?(end_room.id); dir = end_room.wayto[start_room.id.to_s]; if dir.class == Proc; dir.call; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; elsif dir.class == String; move dir.dup; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; end; end } 6193
;e target_room_id = 6248; maze_rooms = [6191, 6254, 6252, 6250, 6195, 6197, 6199, 6249, 6198, 6248, 6196, 6251, 6192, 6193, 6194, 6253]; $minotaur_maze_dirs ||= Hash.new; loop { if (bounty? =~ /^You have made contact with the child/); child = GameObj.npcs.find { |npc| npc.noun == 'child' }; else; child = nil; end; start_room = Room.current; $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id] ||= Hash.new; dir = $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id].keys.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d] == target_room_id } || XMLData.room_exits.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d].nil? } || $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id].keys.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[$minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d]].values.include?(target_room_id) } || XMLData.room_exits[rand(XMLData.room_exits.length)]; move dir.dup; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; end_room = Room.current; $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][dir] = end_room.id; if end_room.id == target_room_id; break; elsif not maze_rooms.include?(end_room.id); dir = end_room.wayto[start_room.id.to_s]; if dir.class == Proc; dir.call; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; elsif dir.class == String; move dir.dup; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; end; end } 6248
;e target_room_id = 6194; maze_rooms = [6191, 6254, 6252, 6250, 6195, 6197, 6199, 6249, 6198, 6248, 6196, 6251, 6192, 6193, 6194, 6253]; $minotaur_maze_dirs ||= Hash.new; loop { if (bounty? =~ /^You have made contact with the child/); child = GameObj.npcs.find { |npc| npc.noun == 'child' }; else; child = nil; end; start_room = Room.current; $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id] ||= Hash.new; dir = $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id].keys.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d] == target_room_id } || XMLData.room_exits.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d].nil? } || $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id].keys.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[$minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d]].values.include?(target_room_id) } || XMLData.room_exits[rand(XMLData.room_exits.length)]; move dir.dup; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; end_room = Room.current; $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][dir] = end_room.id; if end_room.id == target_room_id; break; elsif not maze_rooms.include?(end_room.id); dir = end_room.wayto[start_room.id.to_s]; if dir.class == Proc; dir.call; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; elsif dir.class == String; move dir.dup; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; end; end } 6194
;e target_room_id = 6250; maze_rooms = [6191, 6254, 6252, 6250, 6195, 6197, 6199, 6249, 6198, 6248, 6196, 6251, 6192, 6193, 6194, 6253]; $minotaur_maze_dirs ||= Hash.new; loop { if (bounty? =~ /^You have made contact with the child/); child = GameObj.npcs.find { |npc| npc.noun == 'child' }; else; child = nil; end; start_room = Room.current; $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id] ||= Hash.new; dir = $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id].keys.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d] == target_room_id } || XMLData.room_exits.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d].nil? } || $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id].keys.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[$minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d]].values.include?(target_room_id) } || XMLData.room_exits[rand(XMLData.room_exits.length)]; move dir.dup; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; end_room = Room.current; $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][dir] = end_room.id; if end_room.id == target_room_id; break; elsif not maze_rooms.include?(end_room.id); dir = end_room.wayto[start_room.id.to_s]; if dir.class == Proc; dir.call; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; elsif dir.class == String; move dir.dup; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; end; end } 6250
;e target_room_id = 6249; maze_rooms = [6191, 6254, 6252, 6250, 6195, 6197, 6199, 6249, 6198, 6248, 6196, 6251, 6192, 6193, 6194, 6253]; $minotaur_maze_dirs ||= Hash.new; loop { if (bounty? =~ /^You have made contact with the child/); child = GameObj.npcs.find { |npc| npc.noun == 'child' }; else; child = nil; end; start_room = Room.current; $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id] ||= Hash.new; dir = $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id].keys.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d] == target_room_id } || XMLData.room_exits.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d].nil? } || $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id].keys.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[$minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d]].values.include?(target_room_id) } || XMLData.room_exits[rand(XMLData.room_exits.length)]; move dir.dup; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; end_room = Room.current; $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][dir] = end_room.id; if end_room.id == target_room_id; break; elsif not maze_rooms.include?(end_room.id); dir = end_room.wayto[start_room.id.to_s]; if dir.class == Proc; dir.call; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; elsif dir.class == String; move dir.dup; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; end; end } 6249
;e target_room_id = 6195; maze_rooms = [6191, 6254, 6252, 6250, 6195, 6197, 6199, 6249, 6198, 6248, 6196, 6251, 6192, 6193, 6194, 6253]; $minotaur_maze_dirs ||= Hash.new; loop { if (bounty? =~ /^You have made contact with the child/); child = GameObj.npcs.find { |npc| npc.noun == 'child' }; else; child = nil; end; start_room = Room.current; $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id] ||= Hash.new; dir = $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id].keys.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d] == target_room_id } || XMLData.room_exits.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d].nil? } || $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id].keys.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[$minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d]].values.include?(target_room_id) } || XMLData.room_exits[rand(XMLData.room_exits.length)]; move dir.dup; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; end_room = Room.current; $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][dir] = end_room.id; if end_room.id == target_room_id; break; elsif not maze_rooms.include?(end_room.id); dir = end_room.wayto[start_room.id.to_s]; if dir.class == Proc; dir.call; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; elsif dir.class == String; move dir.dup; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; end; end } 6195
;e target_room_id = 6251; maze_rooms = [6191, 6254, 6252, 6250, 6195, 6197, 6199, 6249, 6198, 6248, 6196, 6251, 6192, 6193, 6194, 6253]; $minotaur_maze_dirs ||= Hash.new; loop { if (bounty? =~ /^You have made contact with the child/); child = GameObj.npcs.find { |npc| npc.noun == 'child' }; else; child = nil; end; start_room = Room.current; $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id] ||= Hash.new; dir = $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id].keys.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d] == target_room_id } || XMLData.room_exits.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d].nil? } || $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id].keys.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[$minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d]].values.include?(target_room_id) } || XMLData.room_exits[rand(XMLData.room_exits.length)]; move dir.dup; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; end_room = Room.current; $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][dir] = end_room.id; if end_room.id == target_room_id; break; elsif not maze_rooms.include?(end_room.id); dir = end_room.wayto[start_room.id.to_s]; if dir.class == Proc; dir.call; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; elsif dir.class == String; move dir.dup; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; end; end } 6251
;e target_room_id = 6252; maze_rooms = [6191, 6254, 6252, 6250, 6195, 6197, 6199, 6249, 6198, 6248, 6196, 6251, 6192, 6193, 6194, 6253]; $minotaur_maze_dirs ||= Hash.new; loop { if (bounty? =~ /^You have made contact with the child/); child = GameObj.npcs.find { |npc| npc.noun == 'child' }; else; child = nil; end; start_room = Room.current; $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id] ||= Hash.new; dir = $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id].keys.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d] == target_room_id } || XMLData.room_exits.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d].nil? } || $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id].keys.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[$minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d]].values.include?(target_room_id) } || XMLData.room_exits[rand(XMLData.room_exits.length)]; move dir.dup; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; end_room = Room.current; $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][dir] = end_room.id; if end_room.id == target_room_id; break; elsif not maze_rooms.include?(end_room.id); dir = end_room.wayto[start_room.id.to_s]; if dir.class == Proc; dir.call; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; elsif dir.class == String; move dir.dup; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; end; end } 6252
;e target_room_id = 6197; maze_rooms = [6191, 6254, 6252, 6250, 6195, 6197, 6199, 6249, 6198, 6248, 6196, 6251, 6192, 6193, 6194, 6253]; $minotaur_maze_dirs ||= Hash.new; loop { if (bounty? =~ /^You have made contact with the child/); child = GameObj.npcs.find { |npc| npc.noun == 'child' }; else; child = nil; end; start_room = Room.current; $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id] ||= Hash.new; dir = $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id].keys.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d] == target_room_id } || XMLData.room_exits.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d].nil? } || $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id].keys.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[$minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d]].values.include?(target_room_id) } || XMLData.room_exits[rand(XMLData.room_exits.length)]; move dir.dup; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; end_room = Room.current; $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][dir] = end_room.id; if end_room.id == target_room_id; break; elsif not maze_rooms.include?(end_room.id); dir = end_room.wayto[start_room.id.to_s]; if dir.class == Proc; dir.call; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; elsif dir.class == String; move dir.dup; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; end; end } 6197
;e target_room_id = 6253; maze_rooms = [6191, 6254, 6252, 6250, 6195, 6197, 6199, 6249, 6198, 6248, 6196, 6251, 6192, 6193, 6194, 6253]; $minotaur_maze_dirs ||= Hash.new; loop { if (bounty? =~ /^You have made contact with the child/); child = GameObj.npcs.find { |npc| npc.noun == 'child' }; else; child = nil; end; start_room = Room.current; $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id] ||= Hash.new; dir = $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id].keys.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d] == target_room_id } || XMLData.room_exits.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d].nil? } || $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id].keys.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[$minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d]].values.include?(target_room_id) } || XMLData.room_exits[rand(XMLData.room_exits.length)]; move dir.dup; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; end_room = Room.current; $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][dir] = end_room.id; if end_room.id == target_room_id; break; elsif not maze_rooms.include?(end_room.id); dir = end_room.wayto[start_room.id.to_s]; if dir.class == Proc; dir.call; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; elsif dir.class == String; move dir.dup; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; end; end } 6253
;e target_room_id = 6198; maze_rooms = [6191, 6254, 6252, 6250, 6195, 6197, 6199, 6249, 6198, 6248, 6196, 6251, 6192, 6193, 6194, 6253]; $minotaur_maze_dirs ||= Hash.new; loop { if (bounty? =~ /^You have made contact with the child/); child = GameObj.npcs.find { |npc| npc.noun == 'child' }; else; child = nil; end; start_room = Room.current; $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id] ||= Hash.new; dir = $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id].keys.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d] == target_room_id } || XMLData.room_exits.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d].nil? } || $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id].keys.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[$minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d]].values.include?(target_room_id) } || XMLData.room_exits[rand(XMLData.room_exits.length)]; move dir.dup; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; end_room = Room.current; $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][dir] = end_room.id; if end_room.id == target_room_id; break; elsif not maze_rooms.include?(end_room.id); dir = end_room.wayto[start_room.id.to_s]; if dir.class == Proc; dir.call; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; elsif dir.class == String; move dir.dup; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; end; end } 6198
;e target_room_id = 6254; maze_rooms = [6191, 6254, 6252, 6250, 6195, 6197, 6199, 6249, 6198, 6248, 6196, 6251, 6192, 6193, 6194, 6253]; $minotaur_maze_dirs ||= Hash.new; loop { if (bounty? =~ /^You have made contact with the child/); child = GameObj.npcs.find { |npc| npc.noun == 'child' }; else; child = nil; end; start_room = Room.current; $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id] ||= Hash.new; dir = $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id].keys.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d] == target_room_id } || XMLData.room_exits.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d].nil? } || $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id].keys.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[$minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d]].values.include?(target_room_id) } || XMLData.room_exits[rand(XMLData.room_exits.length)]; move dir.dup; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; end_room = Room.current; $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][dir] = end_room.id; if end_room.id == target_room_id; break; elsif not maze_rooms.include?(end_room.id); dir = end_room.wayto[start_room.id.to_s]; if dir.class == Proc; dir.call; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; elsif dir.class == String; move dir.dup; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; end; end } 6254
;e target_room_id = 6199; maze_rooms = [6191, 6254, 6252, 6250, 6195, 6197, 6199, 6249, 6198, 6248, 6196, 6251, 6192, 6193, 6194, 6253]; $minotaur_maze_dirs ||= Hash.new; loop { if (bounty? =~ /^You have made contact with the child/); child = GameObj.npcs.find { |npc| npc.noun == 'child' }; else; child = nil; end; start_room = Room.current; $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id] ||= Hash.new; dir = $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id].keys.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d] == target_room_id } || XMLData.room_exits.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d].nil? } || $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id].keys.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[$minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d]].values.include?(target_room_id) } || XMLData.room_exits[rand(XMLData.room_exits.length)]; move dir.dup; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; end_room = Room.current; $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][dir] = end_room.id; if end_room.id == target_room_id; break; elsif not maze_rooms.include?(end_room.id); dir = end_room.wayto[start_room.id.to_s]; if dir.class == Proc; dir.call; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; elsif dir.class == String; move dir.dup; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; end; end } 6199
Full Room Info
{ "description": [ "Elegantly carved marble structures flank a small set of stairs leading to an arched doorway, brightly burning braziers placed atop them. Etched into the structures are wide bull's heads. The doorway itself is barred by a heavy iron gate." ], "id": 6196, "image": "wl-wehntoph-1310775397.png", "image_coords": [ 726, 410, 744, 428 ], "location": "The Hidden Plateau", "paths": [ "Obvious exits: north, northeast, east, southeast, south, southwest, west, northwest" ], "tags": [ "white hook mushroom", "withered black mushroom", "black hook mushroom", "soft white mushroom", "blue trafel mushroom", "cave moss", "murdroot", "ironfern root", "bolmara lichen", "meta:forage-sensed", "red trafel mushroom", "wingstem root", "meta:forage-sensed:day:2022-09", "meta:forage-sensed:night:2022-09" ], "timeto": { "6191": 0.5, "6192": 0.5, "6193": 0.5, "6194": 0.5, "6195": 0.5, "6197": 0.5, "6198": 0.5, "6199": 0.5, "6248": 0.5, "6249": 0.5, "6250": 0.5, "6251": 0.5, "6252": 0.5, "6253": 0.5, "6254": 0.5 }, "title": [ "[Labyrinth]" ], "uid": [ 2167056 ], "wayto": { "6191": ";e target_room_id = 6191; maze_rooms = [6191, 6254, 6252, 6250, 6195, 6197, 6199, 6249, 6198, 6248, 6196, 6251, 6192, 6193, 6194, 6253]; $minotaur_maze_dirs ||= Hash.new; loop { if (bounty? =~ /^You have made contact with the child/); child = GameObj.npcs.find { |npc| npc.noun == 'child' }; else; child = nil; end; start_room = Room.current; $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id] ||= Hash.new; dir = $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id].keys.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d] == target_room_id } || XMLData.room_exits.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d].nil? } || $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id].keys.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[$minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d]].values.include?(target_room_id) } || XMLData.room_exits[rand(XMLData.room_exits.length)]; move dir.dup; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; end_room = Room.current; $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][dir] = end_room.id; if end_room.id == target_room_id; break; elsif not maze_rooms.include?(end_room.id); dir = end_room.wayto[start_room.id.to_s]; if dir.class == Proc; dir.call; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; elsif dir.class == String; move dir.dup; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; end; end }", "6192": ";e target_room_id = 6192; maze_rooms = [6191, 6254, 6252, 6250, 6195, 6197, 6199, 6249, 6198, 6248, 6196, 6251, 6192, 6193, 6194, 6253]; $minotaur_maze_dirs ||= Hash.new; loop { if (bounty? =~ /^You have made contact with the child/); child = GameObj.npcs.find { |npc| npc.noun == 'child' }; else; child = nil; end; start_room = Room.current; $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id] ||= Hash.new; dir = $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id].keys.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d] == target_room_id } || XMLData.room_exits.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d].nil? } || $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id].keys.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[$minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d]].values.include?(target_room_id) } || XMLData.room_exits[rand(XMLData.room_exits.length)]; move dir.dup; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; end_room = Room.current; $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][dir] = end_room.id; if end_room.id == target_room_id; break; elsif not maze_rooms.include?(end_room.id); dir = end_room.wayto[start_room.id.to_s]; if dir.class == Proc; dir.call; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; elsif dir.class == String; move dir.dup; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; end; end }", "6193": ";e target_room_id = 6193; maze_rooms = [6191, 6254, 6252, 6250, 6195, 6197, 6199, 6249, 6198, 6248, 6196, 6251, 6192, 6193, 6194, 6253]; $minotaur_maze_dirs ||= Hash.new; loop { if (bounty? =~ /^You have made contact with the child/); child = GameObj.npcs.find { |npc| npc.noun == 'child' }; else; child = nil; end; start_room = Room.current; $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id] ||= Hash.new; dir = $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id].keys.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d] == target_room_id } || XMLData.room_exits.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d].nil? } || $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id].keys.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[$minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d]].values.include?(target_room_id) } || XMLData.room_exits[rand(XMLData.room_exits.length)]; move dir.dup; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; end_room = Room.current; $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][dir] = end_room.id; if end_room.id == target_room_id; break; elsif not maze_rooms.include?(end_room.id); dir = end_room.wayto[start_room.id.to_s]; if dir.class == Proc; dir.call; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; elsif dir.class == String; move dir.dup; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; end; end }", "6194": ";e target_room_id = 6194; maze_rooms = [6191, 6254, 6252, 6250, 6195, 6197, 6199, 6249, 6198, 6248, 6196, 6251, 6192, 6193, 6194, 6253]; $minotaur_maze_dirs ||= Hash.new; loop { if (bounty? =~ /^You have made contact with the child/); child = GameObj.npcs.find { |npc| npc.noun == 'child' }; else; child = nil; end; start_room = Room.current; $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id] ||= Hash.new; dir = $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id].keys.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d] == target_room_id } || XMLData.room_exits.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d].nil? } || $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id].keys.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[$minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d]].values.include?(target_room_id) } || XMLData.room_exits[rand(XMLData.room_exits.length)]; move dir.dup; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; end_room = Room.current; $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][dir] = end_room.id; if end_room.id == target_room_id; break; elsif not maze_rooms.include?(end_room.id); dir = end_room.wayto[start_room.id.to_s]; if dir.class == Proc; dir.call; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; elsif dir.class == String; move dir.dup; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; end; end }", "6195": ";e target_room_id = 6195; maze_rooms = [6191, 6254, 6252, 6250, 6195, 6197, 6199, 6249, 6198, 6248, 6196, 6251, 6192, 6193, 6194, 6253]; $minotaur_maze_dirs ||= Hash.new; loop { if (bounty? =~ /^You have made contact with the child/); child = GameObj.npcs.find { |npc| npc.noun == 'child' }; else; child = nil; end; start_room = Room.current; $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id] ||= Hash.new; dir = $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id].keys.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d] == target_room_id } || XMLData.room_exits.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d].nil? } || $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id].keys.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[$minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d]].values.include?(target_room_id) } || XMLData.room_exits[rand(XMLData.room_exits.length)]; move dir.dup; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; end_room = Room.current; $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][dir] = end_room.id; if end_room.id == target_room_id; break; elsif not maze_rooms.include?(end_room.id); dir = end_room.wayto[start_room.id.to_s]; if dir.class == Proc; dir.call; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; elsif dir.class == String; move dir.dup; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; end; end }", "6197": ";e target_room_id = 6197; maze_rooms = [6191, 6254, 6252, 6250, 6195, 6197, 6199, 6249, 6198, 6248, 6196, 6251, 6192, 6193, 6194, 6253]; $minotaur_maze_dirs ||= Hash.new; loop { if (bounty? =~ /^You have made contact with the child/); child = GameObj.npcs.find { |npc| npc.noun == 'child' }; else; child = nil; end; start_room = Room.current; $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id] ||= Hash.new; dir = $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id].keys.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d] == target_room_id } || XMLData.room_exits.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d].nil? } || $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id].keys.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[$minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d]].values.include?(target_room_id) } || XMLData.room_exits[rand(XMLData.room_exits.length)]; move dir.dup; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; end_room = Room.current; $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][dir] = end_room.id; if end_room.id == target_room_id; break; elsif not maze_rooms.include?(end_room.id); dir = end_room.wayto[start_room.id.to_s]; if dir.class == Proc; dir.call; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; elsif dir.class == String; move dir.dup; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; end; end }", "6198": ";e target_room_id = 6198; maze_rooms = [6191, 6254, 6252, 6250, 6195, 6197, 6199, 6249, 6198, 6248, 6196, 6251, 6192, 6193, 6194, 6253]; $minotaur_maze_dirs ||= Hash.new; loop { if (bounty? =~ /^You have made contact with the child/); child = GameObj.npcs.find { |npc| npc.noun == 'child' }; else; child = nil; end; start_room = Room.current; $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id] ||= Hash.new; dir = $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id].keys.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d] == target_room_id } || XMLData.room_exits.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d].nil? } || $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id].keys.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[$minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d]].values.include?(target_room_id) } || XMLData.room_exits[rand(XMLData.room_exits.length)]; move dir.dup; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; end_room = Room.current; $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][dir] = end_room.id; if end_room.id == target_room_id; break; elsif not maze_rooms.include?(end_room.id); dir = end_room.wayto[start_room.id.to_s]; if dir.class == Proc; dir.call; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; elsif dir.class == String; move dir.dup; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; end; end }", "6199": ";e target_room_id = 6199; maze_rooms = [6191, 6254, 6252, 6250, 6195, 6197, 6199, 6249, 6198, 6248, 6196, 6251, 6192, 6193, 6194, 6253]; $minotaur_maze_dirs ||= Hash.new; loop { if (bounty? =~ /^You have made contact with the child/); child = GameObj.npcs.find { |npc| npc.noun == 'child' }; else; child = nil; end; start_room = Room.current; $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id] ||= Hash.new; dir = $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id].keys.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d] == target_room_id } || XMLData.room_exits.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d].nil? } || $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id].keys.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[$minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d]].values.include?(target_room_id) } || XMLData.room_exits[rand(XMLData.room_exits.length)]; move dir.dup; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; end_room = Room.current; $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][dir] = end_room.id; if end_room.id == target_room_id; break; elsif not maze_rooms.include?(end_room.id); dir = end_room.wayto[start_room.id.to_s]; if dir.class == Proc; dir.call; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; elsif dir.class == String; move dir.dup; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; end; end }", "6248": ";e target_room_id = 6248; maze_rooms = [6191, 6254, 6252, 6250, 6195, 6197, 6199, 6249, 6198, 6248, 6196, 6251, 6192, 6193, 6194, 6253]; $minotaur_maze_dirs ||= Hash.new; loop { if (bounty? =~ /^You have made contact with the child/); child = GameObj.npcs.find { |npc| npc.noun == 'child' }; else; child = nil; end; start_room = Room.current; $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id] ||= Hash.new; dir = $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id].keys.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d] == target_room_id } || XMLData.room_exits.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d].nil? } || $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id].keys.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[$minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d]].values.include?(target_room_id) } || XMLData.room_exits[rand(XMLData.room_exits.length)]; move dir.dup; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; end_room = Room.current; $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][dir] = end_room.id; if end_room.id == target_room_id; break; elsif not maze_rooms.include?(end_room.id); dir = end_room.wayto[start_room.id.to_s]; if dir.class == Proc; dir.call; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; elsif dir.class == String; move dir.dup; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; end; end }", "6249": ";e target_room_id = 6249; maze_rooms = [6191, 6254, 6252, 6250, 6195, 6197, 6199, 6249, 6198, 6248, 6196, 6251, 6192, 6193, 6194, 6253]; $minotaur_maze_dirs ||= Hash.new; loop { if (bounty? =~ /^You have made contact with the child/); child = GameObj.npcs.find { |npc| npc.noun == 'child' }; else; child = nil; end; start_room = Room.current; $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id] ||= Hash.new; dir = $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id].keys.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d] == target_room_id } || XMLData.room_exits.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d].nil? } || $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id].keys.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[$minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d]].values.include?(target_room_id) } || XMLData.room_exits[rand(XMLData.room_exits.length)]; move dir.dup; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; end_room = Room.current; $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][dir] = end_room.id; if end_room.id == target_room_id; break; elsif not maze_rooms.include?(end_room.id); dir = end_room.wayto[start_room.id.to_s]; if dir.class == Proc; dir.call; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; elsif dir.class == String; move dir.dup; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; end; end }", "6250": ";e target_room_id = 6250; maze_rooms = [6191, 6254, 6252, 6250, 6195, 6197, 6199, 6249, 6198, 6248, 6196, 6251, 6192, 6193, 6194, 6253]; $minotaur_maze_dirs ||= Hash.new; loop { if (bounty? =~ /^You have made contact with the child/); child = GameObj.npcs.find { |npc| npc.noun == 'child' }; else; child = nil; end; start_room = Room.current; $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id] ||= Hash.new; dir = $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id].keys.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d] == target_room_id } || XMLData.room_exits.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d].nil? } || $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id].keys.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[$minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d]].values.include?(target_room_id) } || XMLData.room_exits[rand(XMLData.room_exits.length)]; move dir.dup; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; end_room = Room.current; $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][dir] = end_room.id; if end_room.id == target_room_id; break; elsif not maze_rooms.include?(end_room.id); dir = end_room.wayto[start_room.id.to_s]; if dir.class == Proc; dir.call; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; elsif dir.class == String; move dir.dup; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; end; end }", "6251": ";e target_room_id = 6251; maze_rooms = [6191, 6254, 6252, 6250, 6195, 6197, 6199, 6249, 6198, 6248, 6196, 6251, 6192, 6193, 6194, 6253]; $minotaur_maze_dirs ||= Hash.new; loop { if (bounty? =~ /^You have made contact with the child/); child = GameObj.npcs.find { |npc| npc.noun == 'child' }; else; child = nil; end; start_room = Room.current; $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id] ||= Hash.new; dir = $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id].keys.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d] == target_room_id } || XMLData.room_exits.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d].nil? } || $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id].keys.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[$minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d]].values.include?(target_room_id) } || XMLData.room_exits[rand(XMLData.room_exits.length)]; move dir.dup; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; end_room = Room.current; $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][dir] = end_room.id; if end_room.id == target_room_id; break; elsif not maze_rooms.include?(end_room.id); dir = end_room.wayto[start_room.id.to_s]; if dir.class == Proc; dir.call; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; elsif dir.class == String; move dir.dup; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; end; end }", "6252": ";e target_room_id = 6252; maze_rooms = [6191, 6254, 6252, 6250, 6195, 6197, 6199, 6249, 6198, 6248, 6196, 6251, 6192, 6193, 6194, 6253]; $minotaur_maze_dirs ||= Hash.new; loop { if (bounty? =~ /^You have made contact with the child/); child = GameObj.npcs.find { |npc| npc.noun == 'child' }; else; child = nil; end; start_room = Room.current; $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id] ||= Hash.new; dir = $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id].keys.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d] == target_room_id } || XMLData.room_exits.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d].nil? } || $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id].keys.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[$minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d]].values.include?(target_room_id) } || XMLData.room_exits[rand(XMLData.room_exits.length)]; move dir.dup; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; end_room = Room.current; $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][dir] = end_room.id; if end_room.id == target_room_id; break; elsif not maze_rooms.include?(end_room.id); dir = end_room.wayto[start_room.id.to_s]; if dir.class == Proc; dir.call; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; elsif dir.class == String; move dir.dup; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; end; end }", "6253": ";e target_room_id = 6253; maze_rooms = [6191, 6254, 6252, 6250, 6195, 6197, 6199, 6249, 6198, 6248, 6196, 6251, 6192, 6193, 6194, 6253]; $minotaur_maze_dirs ||= Hash.new; loop { if (bounty? =~ /^You have made contact with the child/); child = GameObj.npcs.find { |npc| npc.noun == 'child' }; else; child = nil; end; start_room = Room.current; $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id] ||= Hash.new; dir = $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id].keys.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d] == target_room_id } || XMLData.room_exits.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d].nil? } || $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id].keys.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[$minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d]].values.include?(target_room_id) } || XMLData.room_exits[rand(XMLData.room_exits.length)]; move dir.dup; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; end_room = Room.current; $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][dir] = end_room.id; if end_room.id == target_room_id; break; elsif not maze_rooms.include?(end_room.id); dir = end_room.wayto[start_room.id.to_s]; if dir.class == Proc; dir.call; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; elsif dir.class == String; move dir.dup; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; end; end }", "6254": ";e target_room_id = 6254; maze_rooms = [6191, 6254, 6252, 6250, 6195, 6197, 6199, 6249, 6198, 6248, 6196, 6251, 6192, 6193, 6194, 6253]; $minotaur_maze_dirs ||= Hash.new; loop { if (bounty? =~ /^You have made contact with the child/); child = GameObj.npcs.find { |npc| npc.noun == 'child' }; else; child = nil; end; start_room = Room.current; $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id] ||= Hash.new; dir = $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id].keys.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d] == target_room_id } || XMLData.room_exits.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d].nil? } || $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id].keys.find { |d| $minotaur_maze_dirs[$minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][d]].values.include?(target_room_id) } || XMLData.room_exits[rand(XMLData.room_exits.length)]; move dir.dup; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; end_room = Room.current; $minotaur_maze_dirs[start_room.id][dir] = end_room.id; if end_room.id == target_room_id; break; elsif not maze_rooms.include?(end_room.id); dir = end_room.wayto[start_room.id.to_s]; if dir.class == Proc; dir.call; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; elsif dir.class == String; move dir.dup; 50.times { break if GameObj.npcs.any? { |npc| npc.id == child.id }; sleep 0.1 } if child; end; end }" } }

MapDB last updated: 2025-01-19 02:27:12 +0000