Against the backdrop of a forest to the south, this garden is open to a starlit sky. In unruly disorder, flowers and herbs of all descriptions are scattered in several beds throughout the gardens. To the north, a large meadow spreads out as far as you can see. Off to one side, a wizened old elf is busily uprooting weeds from one particularly overgrown bed. Whistling a merry tune, he occasionally breaks into a sweet song as he works, smiling at all who enter his domain.
Obvious paths: north
Map: rr-rivers_rest-1618766733.png
Exit Connecting Room
go trail 10862
north 10864
;e true 30711
Full Room Info
{ "climate": "temperate", "description": [ "Against the backdrop of a forest to the south, this garden is open to a starlit sky. In unruly disorder, flowers and herbs of all descriptions are scattered in several beds throughout the gardens. To the north, a large meadow spreads out as far as you can see. Off to one side, a wizened old elf is busily uprooting weeds from one particularly overgrown bed. Whistling a merry tune, he occasionally breaks into a sweet song as he works, smiling at all who enter his domain.", "Against the backdrop of a forest to the south, this garden is open to a bright sky. In unruly disorder, flowers and herbs of all descriptions are scattered in several beds throughout the gardens. To the north, a large meadow spreads out as far as you can see. Off to one side, a wizened old elf is busily uprooting weeds from one particularly overgrown bed. Whistling a merry tune, he occasionally breaks into a sweet song as he works, smiling at all who enter his domain." ], "id": 10863, "image": "rr-rivers_rest-1618766733.png", "image_coords": [ 2288, 777, 2326, 815 ], "location": "the town of River's Rest", "paths": [ "Obvious paths: north" ], "tags": [ "herbalist", "luckbloom blossom", "pink petunia", "white petunia", "purple eggplant", "small banana", "small daisy", "trollfear mushroom", "stalk of wormwood", "yew twig", "rose-marrow root", "round white eggplant", "small rose", "daggerstalk mushroom", "purple petunia", "urchin-access", "urchin guide herbalist", "cactacae spine", "calamia fruit", "sovyn clove", "small flower", "angelica root", "soft white mushroom", "withered black mushroom", "flathead mushroom", "genkew mushroom", "blue trafel mushroom", "small violet", "heath aster", "golden buttercup", "Imaera's Lace", "ear of corn", "small peapod", "motherwort", "small primrose", "flaming violet", "sprig of thanot", "raspberries", "sprig of rosemary", "white lily", "tiger lily", "alligator lily", "wavepetal blossom", "sunburst blossom", "onion skin", "dill", "bay leaf", "fresh cilantro", "tobacco leaves", "fresh basil", "fresh oregano", "wild spinach", "green pepper", "red pepper", "yellow pepper", "orange pepper", "pea pods", "zucchini", "green beans", "fresh broccoli", "yellow squash", "purple cabbage", "green cabbage", "garlic", "stalk of celery", "pink peppercorn", "black peppercorn", "cardamom", "vanilla bean", "nutmeg", "cumin seeds", "star anise", "sunflower seeds", "meta:forage-sensed", "spider lily", "fire lily", "sweet potato", "red onion", "sweet onion", "purple-tipped artichoke", "bright red beet", "yellow papaya", "orange-yellow starfruit", "red-green mango", "purple passion fruit", "red lychee", "green guava", "meta:forage-sensed:night:2023-02", "viburnum twig", "curly garlic scapes", "horseradish root", "ghost pepper", "hot pepper", "sprig of tarragon", "curly leaf parsley", "flat-leaf parsley", "round red radish", "bright orange", "rabbit's ear rose", "pink wild rose", "meta:forage-sensed:day:2024-05" ], "terrain": "cultivated", "timeto": { "10862": 0.2, "10864": 0.2, "30711": ";e Map[7].timeto['30714'].call;" }, "title": [ "[River's Rest, Town Gardens]" ], "uid": [ 2101012 ], "wayto": { "10862": "go trail", "10864": "north", "30711": ";e true" } }

MapDB last updated: 2024-12-23 10:10:29 +0000