;e ticket_nouns = [ 'scrip', 'scroll', 'document', 'parchment', 'paper', 'note' ]; check_ticket = proc { |test_id| look_result = dothistimeout "look ##{test_id}", 3, /reads, ".*#{checkname}|^You see nothing unusual\.|^It takes you a moment to focus|[0-9]+ silver/; if look_result =~ /reads, ".*#{checkname}/; test_id; else; nil; end }; force_go2 = proc { |room_num| go2_count = Script.running.find_all { |s| s.name == 'go2' }.length; force_start_script 'go2', [ room_num.to_s ]; wait_while { Script.running.find_all { |s| s.name == 'go2' }.length > go2_count } }; ticket_id = nil; if ticket_nouns.include?(GameObj.right_hand.noun); ticket_id = check_ticket.call(GameObj.right_hand.id); end; unless ticket_id; if ticket_nouns.include?(GameObj.left_hand.noun); if ticket_id = check_ticket.call(GameObj.left_hand.id); fput 'swap'; end; end; end; unless ticket_id; empty_hands; checked_containers = Array.new; for container in GameObj.inv; unless container.contents.nil? or container.contents.empty?; checked_containers.push(container.id); container.contents.find_all { |obj| ticket_nouns.include?(obj.noun) }.each { |obj| break if ticket_id = check_ticket.call(obj.id) }; end; break if ticket_id; end; if ticket_id; fput "get ##{ticket_id}"; end; end; unless ticket_id; status_tags; inv_result = dothis 'inventory containers', /^You are wearing/; status_tags; container_list = inv_result.scan(/exist="([0-9]+)"/).flatten; for container_id in (container_list - checked_containers); if container = GameObj.inv.find { |obj| obj.id == container_id }; open_result = dothis "open ##{container.id}", /^You open|^That is already open\.$/; if open_result == 'That is already open.'; fput "look in ##{container.id}"; end; container.contents.find_all { |obj| ticket_nouns.include?(obj.noun) }.each { |obj| break if ticket_id = check_ticket.call(obj.id) }; if ticket_id; fput "get ##{ticket_id}"; if open_result =~ /^You open/; fput "close ##{container.id}"; end; break; else; if open_result =~ /^You open/; fput "close ##{container.id}"; end; end; end; end; end; unless ticket_id; echo 'failed to find your ticket'; if $go2_get_silvers; echo 'going to buy one...'; sleep 2; force_go2.call(11748); fput 'unhide' if hidden? or invisible?; ask_result = dothis 'ask percy about ticket', /^Percy whispers, "Look \-\- I need [0-9]+ coins for something like that\.|^Percy quietly takes your money/; if ask_result =~ /^Percy whispers, "Look -- I need ([0-9]+) coins for something like that\./; cost = $1; force_go2.call(10911); fput 'unhide' if hidden? or invisible?; withdraw_result = dothis "withdraw #{cost} silvers", /hands you [0-9]+ silvers|don't seem to have that much/; unless withdraw_result =~ /hands you [0-9]+ silvers/; echo "you are too poor to go to Solhaven"; exit; end; force_go2.call(11748); fput 'unhide' if hidden? or invisible?; ask_result = dothis 'ask percy about ticket', /^Percy quietly takes your money/; end; force_go2.call(18677); else; echo 'for automatic ticket buying, use ;go2 getsilvers=on'; exit; end; end; fput 'unhide' if (hidden? or invisible?) and checkloot.include?('gangplank'); unless checkloot.include?('gangplank') and move('go gangplank'); echo 'waiting for the cutter...'; line = get until line =~ /^A small cutter glides up beneath the bridge. The crew swiftly extends a gangplank\.|^You hear a voice on the cutter shouting, "Are the passengers all aboard\?"/; fput 'unhide' if hidden? or invisible?; move 'go gangplank'; end